We have a broad assortment of boats, short ones for kids, long ones for going cruising, and wide ones for stability in the waves. For your safety, we rent touring kayaks to highly experienced kayakers only. If you haven’t kayaked before, we encourage you to take a tour with us to learn better paddling techniques and self-rescue safely or rent a stable sit-on-top kayak instead. Depending on staffing we may be able to deliver your boat within 20 min. drive for a $45 delivery and pickup fee.
We also have a pedal boat to accommodate 2 adults and 1-2 children and go on a harbor tour.
For you landlubbers, we also have bikes to cruise around town and not have to worry about parking at all!
Our newest rental addition for 2025!
Why paddle your kayak when you can sail it!
Some sailing experience required to rent, or learn to sail with us on a sailing tour!
Rental: $100 2 hrs for 2 people $150 1/2 day for 2 people
Special Deals
For those who live in the area, are frequent visitors, or run vacation rentals we also have some wicked good deals to get you on the water.